Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

Tax Loss Harvesting: Optimizing Your Investment Strategy

Tax loss harvesting is a strategic investment technique that can help reduce your tax liability by offsetting capital gains with realized losses, potentially improving your after-tax returns.

As an investor, it's crucial to understand various strategies that can help maximize your returns and minimize your tax liability.

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Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

Annuities: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Annuities sound good, and maybe are for the right sitution, but you should know ALL of the details before you buy one. Check out our latest article to better prepare yourself, if you’re entertaining this product!

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Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

Taxes: The 2017 Shake-Up and What's Coming in 2026

If you didn’t know, there are big changes coming in 2026 with your tax bill. Check out what changed in 2017 and big provisions that are expiring in 2025. Just to muddy the waters, don’t forget it’s an election year and anything can happen!

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Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

3 Common Investing Mistakes

Mistakes happen! The goal is to not repeat them. But why do we think “this time is different” when it comes to investing? Take a quick read from my friends at Dimensional Fund Advisors on three specific mistakes that you may want to avoid.

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Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

Where does your money go?

You need to understand the money coming in and going out at a high level in your personal situation. Doing this 20 minute project can help make big changes in your spending habbits.

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Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

Pros and Cons: Roth IRA Conversion

Roth conversions are something that should be regularly reviewed. It’s not a fit for everyone every year, but when the opportunity arises, it can be extremely beneficial in the long run. Check out some pros and cons in this month’s blog post!

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Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

My Dave Ramsey Story

Even as a financial professional, I needed some motivation from Dave Ramsey to get my financial life back and on track.

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Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

401(k) Audit Prep

Perhaps one of the biggest annual pains with 401(k)’s plans is right around the corner. Check out this article on how to best prepare for your annual audit.

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Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

Should I Put All My Money In A High Yield Savings?

Interest rates on saving accounts are currently continuing to climb with some banks offering north of 4% APY. Some may think, “Those rates are better than most of my investments have done over the past year!” So, should you stop your 401(k) contributions, cash out your other investments and put it into these types of accounts?

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Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

Markets Don’t Wait for Official Announcements

I have many clients that ask, “Do you think we are heading into a recession or are we in one?” And I always shrug my shoulders and say maybe, maybe not, but it shouldn’t matter for you if we are planning correctly for your personal situation.

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Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

What Should I Consider For My Estate Plan?

Every adult needs an estate plan. How complex that plan is depends on your needs. Partner with an estate planning attorney and CFP® Professional to craft the plan that’s necessary for you!

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Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP® Jarrod Sandra, MS, CFP®

How Do I Find My Old 401(k) Accounts?

Finding an old 401(k), or two… or three of them, may seem a bit daunting. There are several steps you can take to retrieve it, but also be aware of pitfalls that an advisor may be able to help you avoid!

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